
Roddy Dunlop KC - Dean of Faculty
Tony Lenehan KC - Vice-Dean of Faculty

Ruth Crawford KC - Treasurer of Faculty
The Treasurer is responsible for the Faculty's finances, heritable property, professional indemnity insurance and employment matters. The Treasurer chairs the Faculty's Finance, Property and Staff Committee and the Scholarship Committee.
Barney Ross - Clerk of Faculty

Barney Ross is the Clerk of Faculty. The Clerk supports the Dean of Faculty, maintains the Faculty records, and deals with matters relating to admission to the Faculty. He sits on the Professional Standards Committee, the Training and Admission Committee and the Board of Examiners.

Neil Mackenzie KC - Keeper of the Library
The Keeper is responsible for the Advocates Library and chairs the Curators of the Library, and the Abbotsford Joint Collections Management Committee.
Anthony Graham KC - Chairman of Faculty Services Limited
Anthony Graham KC is the Chairman of Faculty Services Limited. FSL is a service company established by the Faculty to provide administrative and support services to Advocates who choose to subscribe for those services.