Becoming an 'Intrant' (A Candidate to Train as an Advocate)

  • What are the first steps to becoming an intrant? 

The first step is to notify the Clerk of Faculty of your intention to present a petition to the Court to become an intrant. There is a fee of £180 payable to the court for the petition. This petition will be advertised on the door of the Court of Session. 

Once granted the petition is then remitted to Faculty to enable you to matriculate as an intrant. At this stage you will need to provide the following: 

  • A disclosure Scotland check alongside declarations of any criminal convictions, outstanding or upheld complaints of professional misconduct or negligence, and any past bankruptcies or sequestrations.
  • Two references of which at least one must be from a previous legal employer.
  • Proof of your relevant qualifications.

 There is a further fee of £150, payable to Faculty for the cost of the matriculation process. 


  • How long before I want to call as an advocate do I need to matriculate as an intrant? 


 You need to matriculate by mid-October in the year prior to starting devilling. It is advisable to start this process around June/July to make sure all the required administration is completed in time. 


  • When do I need to tell my employer or when will they find out? 


Becoming an intrant requires your application to be made public and a physical sheet of paper with your name and address on it will be placed at the door of Parliament House for a few weeks shortly after the application is made. It is advisable to let your employer know you are applying before your- application is made public. 


  • What exams do I need to have done or do? How hard are they? 


In the February before devilling starts, intrants sit at least two exams: Practice & Procedure and Evidence. Other exams may be required if the required subjects have not all been passed at university. The Practice & Procedure and Evidence exams do require quite a lot of preparation. You will be provided with some past papers which are helpful.


  • What is a devilmaster and how do I find them? 


Devilling is sort of like an apprenticeship to a devilmaster. A devilmaster will be an advocate who is an experienced junior counsel. A list of advocates willing to act as a devilmaster is held by the Clerk of Faculty. There is no formal process such as an application form or a job interview- - you need to simply reach out to the advocate you want to devil to.

  • You will have a principal devilmaster.
  • You will have a criminal devilmaster.
  • You may have a subsidiary devilmaster.
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