About Advocates

What is an Advocate?


Advocates are specially trained lawyers who are independent (self-employed) and objective. As well as initially having to have trained as solicitors they have to undergo further training (devilling) and examinations before they can call to the bar.

Advocates come from a diverse range of backgrounds but all have an incisive, intelligent interest in the law and a determined approach when it comes to assessing their client's position. They specialise not only in legal analysis but in the presentation of legal arguments. They can represent clients in the highest courts in the land. As well as excellent thinkers and presenters, they are excellent negotiators.

While Advocates are often brought into more difficult cases as they develop, in most situations it is wiser to involve an Advocate from the very beginning.

Their specialism and independence allows them to provide frank opinions and advice in the very best interest of the client. 

All Advocates belong to the Faculty of Advocates - Scotland’s independent referral bar.

For more information on what Advocates do and the benefits of instructing an Advocate please click here.

Click here to find an Advocate.

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