Legal notices

Legal Notices

The Faculty of Advocates is led by elected office-bearers and an elected Faculty Council, which exercises most of the powers of a general meeting of the Faculty of Advocates.


Charity Information:

The Faculty of Advocates - Faculty Funds is a Scottish-registered charity SC010773.
The Faculty of Advocates Abbotsford Collection Trust is a Scottish-registered charity SC042109.



The Faculty is grateful to the SSC for allowing certain of the website photographs to be taken in their premises.


Privacy policy

The Privacy Policy for the Faculty of Advocates and Faculty Services Limited can be found here 

The Privacy Policy relating to Members of the Faculty of Advocates can be found here  


Access to information

You have the right to apply for a copy of any information that we may hold about you and to have any inaccuracies corrected. An administrative fee may be applied.



We will not use your information for purposes which are not clear when you provide your details We may provide information, in response to properly made requests, for the purposes of the prevention and detection of crime, and the apprehension or prosecution of offenders or to other parties lawfully authorised to carry out investigations where we have a legal obligation to do so.

We may also disclose your personal data to other acting on our behalf. Otherwise we will not pass on your information.


Accessibility Policy

The Faculty of Advocates wishes the site and associated services to be accessible to all. Any difficulties encountered in relation to such matters should be raised at

Faculty Services Limited (FSL)

The Faculty of Advocates has established a service company to provide administrative and support services to Advocates. That company is Faculty Services Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Acts and having registered number SC048261 and having its registered office at:

Faculty of Advocates
Advocates Library
Parliament House



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