
The Faculty participates in the work of the following international organisations:

The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE)

The CCBE represents the Bars and Law Societies of 32 member states and 13 associate and observer countries. Its objects are:

  • to represent the bars and law societies of its members on all matters of mutual interest relating to the exercise of the profession of the lawyer, the development of the law and practice pertaining to the rule of law and administration of justice and substantive developments in the law itself, both at a European and international level;
  • to act as a consultative and intermediary body between its members and between the members and the institutions of the European Union and the European Economic Area on all cross border matters of mutual interest as listed above;
  • to monitor actively the defence of the rule of law, the protection of the fundamental and human rights and freedoms, including the rights of access to justice and protection of the client and the protection of the democratic values inextricably associated with such rights.

The Faculty participates in the work of the CCBE through its membership of the United Kingdom delegation to the CCBE.

The International Council of Advocates and Barristers (ICAB)

ICAB is an organization to which independent referral bars from around the world belong. ICAB’s members are the bars of Australia, England & Wales, Hong Kong, Ireland, New Zealand, Namibia, Northern Ireland, Scotland, South Africa and Zimbabwe.

The International Bar Association

The IBA is an organization of bars and law societies and of individual lawyers from across the globe. Its principal aims and objectives are:

  • to promote an exchange of information between legal associations worldwide;
  • to support the independence of the judiciary and the right of lawyers to practice their profession without interference; and
  • support of human rights for lawyers worldwide through the IBA Human Rights Institute. 


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