Professional Standards

Advocates are subject to regulation by the Faculty of Advocates, under powers delegated to it by the Court of Session.

The Court of Session is responsible for regulating the professional practice, conduct and discipline of Advocates under the Legal Services (Scotland) Act 2010. 

The Court has delegated this responsibility to the Faculty of Advocates. Rules which the Faculty makes are subject to approval by the Lord President of the Court of Session. 

Guide to Conduct

The Guide to Professional Conduct  sets out the principles and rules of professional conduct applicable to advocates in Scotland.

The Dean may also, subject to the Lord President’s approval, issue Dean’s Rulings on particular matters of professional practice.

Equality and Diversity

Advocates must respect equality and diversity. The requirements are set out more fully in the Faculty's Equality and Diversity Code

Harassment and Bullying Policy

The Faculty of Advocates Harassment and Bullying Policy can be found here

Advocates Service Standards

The Faculty of Advocates Service Standards can be found here.

Quality Assurance

The Faculty of Advocates 2022 - 2023 Annual Quality Assurance Statement  can be viewed here.


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