Dame Margaret Kidd, Q.C.

Portrait of Margaret Kidd in Parliament Hall

ON 13th July 1923, Miss Margaret Kidd, MA., LL.B., Edinburgh, was admitted to the Faculty of Advocates, the first woman to become a Member of Faculty. She remained to be the only woman at the Bar for more than 25 years.

Centenary celebrations

13th July 2023 marks the centenary of Margaret Kidd’s calling.

At an event in Parliament Hall, attended by Margaret Kidd’s granddaughters and great-granddaughter, a portrait was unveiled.

The new portrait of Margaret Kidd hangs next to that of the Right Hon. Lady Dorrian, commissioned to mark her elevation to Lord Justice Clerk, the first woman to hold that office.

Learn more at: Women of Faculty: Remembering Margaret Kidd 1923 to 2023

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