Anti-Money Laundering

What Is Money Laundering?

Money laundering is the process by which  the proceeds of crime are recycled through the financial system in order to make those proceeds appear to have been derived from legitimate sources. This may involve (whether knowingly or unknowingly) professionals such as lawyers and accountants.

How To Report Your Concerns

If you have concerns about the actions of a particular Advocate in relation to money laundering you can call 0131 260 5603 and leave a message. This telephone line is entirely confidential and is only accessible to Faculty staff who have been trained in money laundering investigation. When you leave a message please give as much detail as possible to allow us to fully investigate your concern. If you want to know what action we have taken in relation to your message please also leave your contact details.

Please note that this hotline is only for concerns or complaints in relation to money laundering. For all other types of complaint please follow the guidance on our “How to make a complaint” page.

The Employment Rights Act provides the right for a worker to take a case to an Employment Tribunal if they have been victimised at work or they have lost their job because they have 'blown the whistle' in the public interest. A worker who feels unable to blow the whistle internally may make a disclosure to one of a list of "prescribed persons" without losing their rights. The Faculty of Advocates is not a "prescribed person" and we cannot therefore guarantee your protection under the legislation. Faculty staff are however protected under the organisation’s internal Whistleblowing Policy. Further information on whistleblowing and protection can be found on the government’s website


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