Fair Instruction of Advocates

The Faculty of Advocates recognises that advocates should be instructed based on their skills, experience and ability. It is committed, in line with its statutory duty under section 149 of the Equality Act 2010, to advancing equality of opportunity amongst its members and to ensuring that no discrimination in the instruction of advocates takes place. The Faculty of Advocates has put in place internal procedures to ensure that, where work requires to be allocated, it is allocated fairly and without discrimination on grounds of age, disability, gender, race, religion or belief or sexual orientation. It will periodically review the issue of work allocation to ensure that its procedures, and the principles underpinning them, are being observed.


The Faculty of Advocates recognises the significant role which is played in the instruction of counsel by organisations and individual solicitors or other professionals with rights of direct access. It seeks the support of those organisations and individuals in putting this statement of fair instruction into effect.


To see a copy of the full Fair Instructions Policy please click here


To register your support for this statement please send us an email from this link.


We are grateful to the following for their support of our Fair Instruction Statement:

Central Legal Office, NHS National Services Scotland

Clyde & Co

DAC Beachcroft, Scotland

Suzie Green, Law Student (University of Glasgow)

Katie Paterson, Solicitor

Scottish Legal Complaints Commission

Rosemary Agnew (SPSO, former CEO of the SLCC)

Scottish Information Commissioner

The Society of Local Authority Lawyers and Administrators in Scotland (SOLAR)

West Dunbartonshire Council


Balfour+Manson LLP, Solicitors

Drummond Miller LLP

Morton Fraser MacRoberts LLP

Thorntons Law LLP

Harper Macleod LLP

Burness Paull LLP

Dentons UK & Middle East LLP

Beltrami & Co

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP

Shakespeare Martineau (Scotland) LLP


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