D Nelson

Frederick (Derick) J. Nelson

Year of Call: 1999


LL.B University of Strathclyde

Special interests


Health & Safety

Immigration and asylum

Public and fatal accident inquiries


Stable telephone number

0131 260 5829

Lee-Anne Black

Emma Stoker

Steven Burns


Derick has an extensive range of experience. Prior to calling, Derick was a principal solicitor, in High Blantyre and Falkirk, for many years dealing mainly with criminal trials, Children’s Referrals, matrimonial and reparation actions.

He has a reputation as a hard-working, unflappable counsel, who can be relied upon in any situation. He has considerable experience in criminal trials and appeals, and between 2007 and 2010 was employed by Crown Office as a full-time Advocate Depute. He continues to be instructed as ad hoc Advocate Depute.

Derick is now a very senior junior counsel and has prosecuted and defended most types of case. He often leads other junior counsel in complex and serious cases, including charges of murder and long-running trials involving allegations of historical sexual abuse and multiple charges of rape.