J Aitken

Julian Aitken

Year of Call: 2014


LL.B (Hons) University of Aberdeen

Special interests


Public law, including judicial review and human rights


Stable telephone number

0141 370 8669

Angela Bath

Laura Kenney

Nicole Ferguson


Prior to calling at the bar in 2014, Julian was a solicitor in private practice for 18 years specialising in family and child law cases.

He was an accredited specialist in child law from 2003. Having spent 3 years as a reporter to the children’s panel, he has in depth knowledge of the children’s hearing system.

He has regularly conducted multi-day proofs addressing complex issues of fact such as paediatric medical evidence, sexual and physical abuse allegations and systematic neglect of children. He has considerable experience of acting for birth families in cases involving the removal of children into care and has a specialist interest in cases involving the impact of article 8 of the ECHR in compulsory care, adoption and permanence order proceedings.

He also has many years of experience in cases concerning financial provision on divorce, cohabitant's claims, and applications to relocate abroad with children.