
LL.B (Hons) University of Glasgow

Dip.LP University of Glasgow

Special interests



Public law, including judicial review and human rights


Stable telephone number

0131 260 5681

Lee-Anne Black

Stevie Burns

Emma Stoker


Megan specialises in child law, criminal law and family law, and has a particular interest in human rights.

As a solicitor Megan gained considerable experience of appearing in court over a period of five years, regularly appearing at all stages of criminal and civil proceedings. Megan frequently conducted her own trials and proofs in Sheriff Courts, and has substantial experience of instructing counsel in the High Court. Megan acted as instructing solicitor for a child client throughout all stages of a Children’s appeal which was ultimately heard in the UK Supreme Court. Megan regularly appeared at Children’s Hearings, and in Children’s referral and appeal proceedings in the Sheriff Court.

Megan was awarded a Lord Hope scholarship for devilling. Throughout devilling she continued to expand her experience of dealing with complex and sensitive matters, both in the civil and criminal courts.