
LL.B (Hons) University of Edinburgh

Dip LP Robert Gordon University

Special interests



Personal Injury

Professional liability and regulation


Stable telephone number

0141 370 8669

Angela Bath

Laura Kenney

Nicole Ferguson


Safeena’s experience predominantly lies within criminal law, having appeared in courts ranging from the Justice of the Peace Court to the Criminal Appeal Court.  As a devil she has had exposure to a wide range of other practices such as medical negligence, personal injury and has also previously drafted in relation to employment issues.  

Safeena Rashid trained with the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service. She served as a Depute in Livingston before commencing devilling in 2012. Thereafter having practiced as an advocate for a year, Safeena temporarily left the Bar in order to commence appointment as a Legal Adviser in the Justice of the Peace Court. From this experience she has accumulated a considerable amount of knowledge in aspects of criminal law such as road traffic law, sentencing practice and also has experience in summary appeal drafting. She has also been recently appointed as an Independent Prison Monitor.