V Mori

Valentina Mori

Year of Call: 2020


LL.B (Hons), University of Glasgow

Dip.LP, University of Glasgow

LL.M, University of Glasgow

Dip FMS, University of Glasgow

Special interests


Personal Injury

Public and fatal accident inquiries


Stable telephone number

0131 260 5681

Lee-Ann Black

Steven Burns

Emma Stoker


Valentina called to the Bar in 2020, having gained experience in the fields of family law and personal injury during her devilling period.

Prior to calling to the Bar, Valentina trained as a solicitor and thereafter practised for 5 years within a very busy criminal defence firm. As a solicitor, she gained extensive experience in the preparation of complex solemn cases and regularly instructed Counsel in the High Court of Justiciary. She developed a particular interest in cases involving forensic and medical evidence and achieved the Diploma in Forensic Medical Science from the Royal Society of Apothecaries in 2016.

Valentina completed her LL.B, Diploma in Professional Legal Practice and LL.M in Corporate and Financial Law at the University of Glasgow.