Lady Carmichael welcomed to “enthusiastic and happy cohort”
The latest of a series of new Senators of the College of Justice has been installed in traditional fashion, taking the judicial title, Lady Carmichael.
The latest of a series of new Senators of the College of Justice has been installed in traditional fashion, taking the judicial title, Lady Carmichael.
The newly-elected Dean of Faculty, Gordon Jackson, QC, has been introduced formally to the Court of Session in a short ceremony.
The new Dean of the Faculty of Advocates is Gordon Jackson, QC, the current Vice-Dean and former Member of the Scottish Parliament.
The Faculty of Advocates has expressed reservations over a scheme to introduce “no blame” compensation for harm resulting from clinical treatment.
Faculty Responds to Consultation on Age of Criminal Responsibility
A major conference on vulnerable witnesses staged by the Faculty of Advocates has been hailed as a success.
Applications are being sought by the Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland for 16.6 full-time equivalent (FTE) posts of summary sheriff which will be filled in March 2017.
Guidance for public authorities about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) needs to get back to basics, the Faculty has suggested.
The election for the new Dean of Faculty will be a three-way contest between Roddy Dunlop, QC, Peter Gray, QC, and Gordon Jackson, QC.
A senior member of Faculty has become a board member of the Aberdeen Law Project.