New Faculty consulting rooms in Glasgow
10 Oct

Photograph: Victoria Young
THE Faculty has a new suite of consulting rooms in Glasgow, just a wig’s throw from the High Court.
The premises have office space for clerks and six consulting rooms, two with video conferencing facilities.
The Faculty lost space in the Saltmarket court due to renovation works, and the premises in Jocelyn Square were identified as alternative accommodation. After a complete refurbishment, they have been opened for business.
At an opening ceremony, Gordon Jackson, QC, Dean of Faculty, said he would love to take the credit for the project.
“I just happen to be Dean when the rooms are opening…the two people who are responsible and due the credit are James Wolffe and Lord Summers.”
Mr Wolffe, QC, the Lord Advocate, was the previous Dean of Faculty, and Alan Summers, QC, was Treasurer of Faculty before being elevated to the Bench.
Both, said Mr Jackson, had been “totally enthusiastic” about providing accommodation for members in Glasgow.
Mr Wolffe said many people should be praised for transforming the premises, which had been “a complete wreck”.
He added: “The work which has gone into making this fabulous facility has been tremendous.”
Lord Summers recalled that on his previous visit to the premises, they had been “a mass of tangled wires and broken porcelain.”
“You would never think that they could look this good,” he said.

Photograph: Victoria Young