Let’s ‘bring Christmas to life’ for vulnerable families
08 Nov

IT'S becoming part of the Festive tradition, and this year every effort is again being made by the Faculty to “bring Christmas to life” for families in need.
The family support charity, Home-Start Glenrothes, will receive all donations to the appeal, and they know the difference it can make for many people who, otherwise, would enjoy little Xmas cheer.
“A lot of our families worry that they won’t be able to give the children much of a Christmas because of their circumstances, and it is amazing how the pressure can be lifted when we are able to say that the Faculty will help,” said Lindsey Brown, of Home-Start Glenrothes.
“We know from previous years the looks on people’s faces when we distribute the gifts – it brings Christmas to life for them.”
Maria Maguire, QC, is again organising the collection. She is looking for presents for adults as well as for children so that the whole family can enjoy Christmas together.
“Members of Faculty and staff, and friends and family, have been so generous in the past. Our help is still needed desperately and can help a family unit survive. We welcome all types of donations - toys, books, games, clothes, perfumes or treats like selection boxes and tins of biscuits,” she said.
“We also put cash donations to great use. They buy vouchers for food as food banks struggle to meet demand. The money raised also provides an emergency fund to help families in urgent need, and pay for days out in the summer which can be a family’s only holiday. All the donations we collect are ring-fenced for the needs of the families so they can have the help directly and immediately. It is sad that there are still so many vulnerable families but I am inspired by them and the willingness of everyone to help.”
Donations can be handed in to Faculty Reception in Parliament House, Edinburgh, from 9 to 13 December, or on the morning of Saturday, 14 December, when everything will be delivered to Fife in the afternoon. Cash can be donated any time from now.
Full details here