Donald Findlay to feature at Christianity debate
11 Oct

Donald Findlay, QC
SENIOR criminal QC, Donald Findlay, is to bring an atheist’s view to a major debate on the role of Christianity in Scottish public life.
The veteran defence counsel will discuss “Christianity is irrelevant in modern society” with Dr Andy Bannister, a Christian philosopher.
Their topic will be one of three under the spotlight at Christianity in the Public Square? on Friday, 25 October (from 6:30 pm) at the Royal College of Surgeons, Nicolson Street, Edinburgh.
The other topics are: “Christian principles should be dropped from medicine” and “Christians should support the criminalisation of hate speech”.
Mona Siddiqui, Professor of Islamic and Interreligious Studies at the School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh, will chair the three debates.
Janys Scott, QC, one of the organisers of the event, said: “This will be a great opportunity to talk about crucial values of modern society.”