Vice-Dean in talk to Myanmar lawyers
01 Dec

A GROUP of lawyers in the Southeast Asian country of Myanmar was given a first-hand account of how the Scottish criminal justice system has adapted to COVID-19.
The Vice-Dean of Faculty, Ronnie Renucci, QC, spoke to more than 50 lawyers in a virtual event, part of the MyJustice programme which aims to improve access to justice for women, the poor and people living in vulnerable situations in Myanmar.
The event was organised and chaired by a non-practising member of Faculty, Piya Muqit, who works for MyJustice as its senior adviser on legal aid and practice. The project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the British Council.
"The lawyers were fascinated to learn from the Vice-Dean given his wealth of experience in criminal defence,” said Ms Muqit.
“There was great Q&A afterwards, and going forward, the lawyers are very keen to learn more from the experience of Scottish criminal defence lawyers. The MyJustice project will run for the next four years, and I’d be very interested to hear from any member of Faculty or defence solicitor who would like to be involved in training and capacity building of the Myanmar legal community.”
Ms Muqit can be contacted at