10 Mar

Faculty trio - Lazarowicz, main, Campbell, top, and Caskie
A STRONG Faculty presence at a special seminar will help ensure EU citizens in Scotland are protected by all the rights available to them after Brexit.
The event is being staged by EU Citizens’ Rights Project Scotland, whose chair, Mark Lazarowicz, Advocate, said questions about settled status and rights generally were likely to feature more and more for many solicitors, immigration advisers and those delivering public services.
He will be joined by Kenneth Campbell, QC, and Alan Caskie, Advocate, among the speakers at the morning seminar in Edinburgh on Monday, 23 March.
“There is already evidence that some organisations are applying the rules on EU citizens’ rights in an unlawful manner,” added Mr Lazarowicz.
“We hope this event will help ensure that EU citizens in Scotland obtain the rights and immigration status to which they are entitled, and those who work with them or provide services which they use fully understand the new law, procedure, and rules as well.”
Full details here