SCBA leader on new jury trial working group
12 May

Ronnie Renucci, QC
THE President of the Scottish Criminal Bar Association, Ronnie Renucci, QC, has been named among the members of a new group which will examine the possible return of jury trials.
The 13-strong Working Group on Restarting Solemn Trials is to be chaired by Lady Dorrian, the Lord Justice Clerk, and will begin work this week.
Lady Dorrian said: “The particular challenges of conducting a jury trial, while also following public health guidelines to protect those engaged in the hearing, is a difficult balance to meet. This group is working as quickly as possible to ensure that all the impacts and practicalities are fully considered in order to provide the best outcome for Scotland, both in terms of justice for all concerned, but also in terms of public safety.”
Mr Renucci commented: "I am delighted to have been invited to represent the Faculty of Advocates on Lady Dorrian's working group. These are indeed challenging times and the Faculty recognises that, notwithstanding the efforts already made by the courts, further work is required to identify and put in place suitable practical measures that will allow jury trials to resume in Scotland.
"The Faculty does not take lightly its important role in the trial process, and is determined to do what it can to assist in the safe and speedy resumption of this fundamental part of our criminal justice system."
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