In memoriam, Andrew Hajducki QC
29 Apr

Andrew Hajducki QC
The Faculty of Advocates is saddened by the death of former Member of Faculty Andrew Hajducki QC.
Dean of Faculty, Roddy Dunlop QC, extended his condolences to Andrew’s family and his many friends, saying: “Andrew was for many years a leading practitioner, especially (but not solely) in the field of personal injury. His work on civil jury trials is oft-cited and highly respected. I am very sorry to learn of his passing.”
Prior to his retirement in 2018, Andrew was a longstanding member of Westwater Advocates. Westwater Stable Director Janys Scott, QC said: “He was a man of many talents, with a formidable record of cases argued at all levels.
“Family lawyers remember him for his appearance for the curator ad litem in the Supreme Court in NJDB v JEG 2012 SC (UKSC) 293. He was in the House of Lords as senior counsel alongside his junior (then) Morag Wise, advocate in the famous Jacques v Jacques 1997 SC (HL) 20. He won a significant victory for unmarried fathers in Authority Reporter v S 2010 SC 531,” she said.
Andrew called to the bar in 1979 and took Silk in 1994. He is remembered by Senior Clerk Sheila Westwater as a “very interesting and intelligent man, who made time for people and always had a smile.” He wrote seminal textbooks on licensing law and civil jury trials, and co-authored a book featuring the Lauder Light Railway.