WBC2024 – a unique professional development opportunity
11 Apr

TIME is running out to secure a seat at the World Bar Conference 2024, which takes place across Belfast and Dublin next month.
Independent referral bars around the world continue to be faced with challenges arising from various factors including legal reform, advances in technology, geo-political instability and environmental issues.
The conference, which will run from 15 - 17 May, will bring together representatives from the independent referral bars in Northern Ireland, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, Hong Kong, Australia, England and Wales and Scotland for three days of debate and discussion around these and other issues.
The event is being jointly hosted by the Bar of Northern Ireland and the Bar of Ireland. It will present attendees with an invaluable professional development opportunity and the chance to strengthen and renew relationships across the participating bars.
The programme features a host of contributors from across the various independent referral bars. The Scottish bench includes the Dean of Faculty Roddy Dunlop KC, who will take part in the ‘Rule of Law under fire: existing in an age of conflict’ panel discussion.
Joanna Cherry KC MP will discuss cancel culture, free speech and the right to offend at the conference and will be joined in this session by Lord Keith Stewart of Dirleton KC, Advocate General, Scotland.
The final session at the conference will see Lord Carloway, Lord President of the Court of Session and Lord Justice General of Scotland, share his perspectives alongside his peers from other ICAB jurisdictions during a panel discussion entitled ‘An Independent Bar and an Independent Judiciary.’
Registration is open and places are limited. Members of Faculty are requested to notify Faculty CEO Richard Masters where possible once they have registered so that Faculty has an understanding of the delegation from the Scottish Bar.
The Junior Bar Association has capped funding available to support members who are less than seven years called. For more information please contact Ayla Iridag.
Click here for full details on the conference and to register.