Following the Guide: Accessing Justice in the 21st Century
31 May

THE Faculty of Advocates’ Free Legal Services Unit (FLSU) will host a free event next month aimed at progressing the work being done to promote pro bono and extend access to justice.
At the event the Keeper of the Advocates Library and Convenor of the FLSU, Neil Mackenzie KC, will deliver a presentation entitled "Following the Guide: Accessing Justice in the 21st Century".
“Technological change is visibly and invisibly changing the practice of law, the world in which law is practised, and even law itself. Pro bono efforts to address unmet legal need are no exception,” said Mr Mackenzie. “My talk will both explore the impact of technological change on fundamental concepts such as access to justice and rule of law, primarily through the lens of pro bono legal services and tentatively suggest how those services may evolve to meet the opportunities and challenges we face.
“I am looking forward to the excellent opportunities this event offers to collaborate, support each other, exchange ideas, and signpost other forthcoming initiatives and events,” he added.
This networking event is a continuation of pro bono events held last year which saw the FLSU, JustRight Scotland and the Law Society of Scotland launch the first Scottish Guide to Pro Bono in Scotland.
It will take place in the Mackenzie Building in Old Assembly Close, Edinburgh from 2pm to 5pm on Monday 10 June. A light lunch will be provided. The floor will be opened for discussion following the Keeper’s presentation.
The event is open to representatives from the wider pro bono community and everyone in the legal sector who has an interest in pro bono, including law students and interested academics. It offers 0.5 hours of advocacy CPD and 0.5 hours of substantive law CPD for Faculty members.
To register for the event, please click here or email for more information.