BA, University of the West of Scotland
LL.B, University of Strathclyde
Dip.LP, University of Strathclyde
LL.M, University of Strathclyde
Special interests
Personal Injury
Public and fatal accident inquiries
Laura Anne called to the Bar in 2020, having gained experience in the fields of personal injury and medical negligence during devilling.
Prior to calling, Laura Anne practised as a solicitor for 13 years, 4 of those as a principal. For 8 years she managed the solemn business of a well-regarded firm of criminal defence solicitors, conducting or instructing in more than 200 Sheriff and Jury and High Court trials. She therefore has extensive experience of solemn trial advocacy.
As well as her experience in criminal law, Laura Anne has been involved in two of the most prominent fatal accident inquiries in recent years.
The combination of experience from these two distinct practice areas equip Laura Anne with an impressive knowledge of forensic medicine and science, psychiatry and psychology, telephony and cell-site analysis, so as to allow her to quickly master and prepare even the most factually complicated cases.