New In-house Convener for MHTS
The Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland has appointed Morag Jack, Advocate, to the post of In-house Convener.
The Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland has appointed Morag Jack, Advocate, to the post of In-house Convener.
The death has been announced of the Rt Hon Lord Kirkwood, who served as a judge from 1987 until his retirement in 2005. He was 84.
The Dean of Faculty, Gordon Jackson, QC, has responded to an announcement by the Scottish Government of an Independent Review of the Regulation of Legal Services.
A QC who served the Faculty in two office-bearer posts has been installed as a Senator of the College of Justice.
A panel of speakers, including the senior counsel, David Johnston, QC, will explore the issues in balancing the protection of privacy with public access to information.
A 117-mile walk in memory of Lord (Mike) Jones will raise funds for the hospital unit where he was treated after suffering a haemorrhagic stroke.
The first of a series of roadshows to promote discussion about planned changes to Scotland’s summary justice system is being held in Edinburgh on Tuesday (25 April).
The Faculty’s ever-popular World Intellectual Property Day Conference moves into double figures this year, and will have the theme, “Innovation – Improving Lives”.
The Faculty has offered comments on a number of clauses in a draft Bill which is part of the final stages of the Scottish Law Commission’s project on aspects of the law of prescription.
Some 70 advocates will be “staying ahead of the curve” when important changes to the criminal law are analysed at the Scottish Criminal Bar Association’s Spring Conference.