News and Responses

All the latest news from the Faculty of Advocates

07 Dec J Bain

New Vice-President for SCBA

The new Vice-President of the Scottish Criminal Bar Association has been announced as Jennifer Bain - and she wants to use the position to repay a debt.

04 Dec

Advocate General sworn in

The new Advocate General for Scotland, Lord Stewart of Dirleton, QC, has been installed at a ceremony in the First Division courtroom of Parliament House, Edinburgh.

01 Dec

Vice-Dean in talk to Myanmar lawyers

A group of lawyers in the Southeast Asian country of Myanmar was given a first-hand account of how the Scottish criminal justice system has adapted to COVID-19.

27 Nov

Tony Lenehan new SCBA President

A number of changes have been made at the Scottish Criminal Bar Association, where Tony Lenehan has taken over as President.