Airth Collection

The law library of James Graham (1676-1746), Dean of Faculty and judge of the Scottish Court of Admiralty, was donated to the Faculty in 1941 but remained at Airth Castle until 1946 because of the risk of war damage. There are 48 volumes, most containing his bookplate. Graham studied at Leyden and the collection includes the work of many Dutch jurists.

Bookplate of James Graham, Judge of the High Court of Admiralty.

Duck, Arthur, Sir. De usu et authoritate juris civilis Romanorum, in dominiis principum Christianorum, libri duo. Lipsiae, 1676.



• Alva Collection
• Corehouse Collection
• Dickson Collection
• Dieterichs Collection
• Douglas Collection
• Macmillan Collection
• Session Papers Collections

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