Reliquiae Trotcosienses

This manuscript, written in 1830, contains Scott's own description of his collections of books and antiquities.

In 1830, Scott suffered his first major stroke and concerned for his well being, his publisher, Robert Cadell, suggested that instead of embarking on a new novel Scott should compile a catalogue raisonné of his collections. Scott agreed and began work immediately, but he wrote his descriptive catalogue in the form of a novel, Reliquiae Trotcosienses or, The gabions of the late Jonathan Oldbuck, Esq. of Monkbarns.

The stroke had affected Scott's motor skills and possibly left him with a slight aphasia and publication was suppressed by Cadell and Scott's son-in law, J. G. Lockhart.

In 2004, after skilful reconstructive editing by Professors Gerard Carruthers and Alison Lumsden, Reliquiae Trotcosienses was finally published by Edinburgh University Press.



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