Members enjoy a Voice Masterclass
21 Aug

An advocate's voice is a prized asset, and members of Faculty have enjoyed some expert advice on how to use it and care for it.
Bridget McCann, an actor for more than 30 years with credits including Taggart, River City and Still Game, and a coach in communication and presentation, was happy to visit the Faculty to pass on some tips.
From posture to breathing, tension release to pace of delivery, Bridget took a group of members through a Voice Masterclass.
David Parratt, the Faculty's Director of Training and Education, said: "We have enjoyed an entertaining one-hour session with Bridget McCann who took time out from her Festival performances to come to show members of Faculty some of the tricks of the actor's trade.
"From the enthusiastic feedback, this has brought new and valuable skills to the attention of members."
Bridget McCann said: "What I always hope to see is that eureka moment when people realise what a wonderful language we have got. The technical skills allow them then to keep the interest of a jury or any audience.
"As in all public speaking, the speaker should do the hard work so the audience does not have to work hard at all to try to take in the facts.
"I was very impressed at the Faculty event that people who obviously have a lot of experience were still happy to refresh or learn new skills."