Looking at law reform in the 21st Century
A seminar in celebration of the Scottish Law Commission’s 50th anniversary will feature Laura Dunlop, QC, Convenor of the Faculty’s Law Reform Committee, as one of the speakers.
A seminar in celebration of the Scottish Law Commission’s 50th anniversary will feature Laura Dunlop, QC, Convenor of the Faculty’s Law Reform Committee, as one of the speakers.
The Dean of Faculty, James Wolffe, QC, has been elected as a Bencher of Middle Temple in London, joining two former Deans.
Two rulings have been issued by European courts in cases concerning state surveillance of lawyers.
The Faculty is supporting attempts to point the best way forward for reform of the law on compulsory purchase.
Take a bow, Joan Spencer, who is stepping down after 13 years as the “First Lady of MiniTrials”.
All places have been snapped up for the Faculty’s Open Day, when visitors will be given a taste of life at the Scottish Bar.
Membership of the Scottish Sentencing Council has been announced, as the new body was officially established.
A series of events to be hosted by the Faculty has been announced for the "Securing JUSTICE at 60" appeal.
Time is rapidly running out on an Early Bird Offer on booking for the World Bar Conference’s “homecoming” to Edinburgh next spring.
Registration is open for the 2015 Conference of the Faculty’s Employment Law Group (ELG), which will feature an address by the head of employment tribunals in Scotland