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All the latest news from the Faculty of Advocates

04 Dec

Advocate General sworn in

The new Advocate General for Scotland, Lord Stewart of Dirleton, QC, has been installed at a ceremony in the First Division courtroom of Parliament House, Edinburgh.

01 Dec

Vice-Dean in talk to Myanmar lawyers

A group of lawyers in the Southeast Asian country of Myanmar was given a first-hand account of how the Scottish criminal justice system has adapted to COVID-19.

27 Nov

Tony Lenehan new SCBA President

A number of changes have been made at the Scottish Criminal Bar Association, where Tony Lenehan has taken over as President.

25 Nov

New man on the SCLR team

The Scottish Council of Law Reporting has added a member of Faculty to its Session Cases team.

15 Nov

QC to lead council inquiry

A senior member of Faculty, Susanne Tanner, QC, has been appointed to lead an inquiry following the sudden death of an employee of the City of Edinburgh Council.