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All the latest news from the Faculty of Advocates

03 Apr R Pugh

New Clerk of Faculty

A new Clerk of Faculty, Richard Pugh, has been elected in a seven-way contest.

02 Apr

World IP Day Conference

Bookings are being taken for the Faculty’s 12th World Intellectual Property Day Conference, which is expected once again to attract a full house.

25 Mar F McMenamin

QC to serve on sexual offences review group

A senior criminal practitioner, Frances McMenamin, QC, will be a Faculty representative on a new panel looking at the way sexual offence cases are dealt with in the courts.

15 Mar

US judges make big impression on Faculty audience

Two innovative judges from the US, Victoria Pratt and Ginger Lerner-Wren, made a big impression with talks on Therapeutic Justice at a Faculty seminar - and it seems Scotland made a big impression on them.